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Kokoda Papers #19: Australian Defence Logistics: The Need To Enable and Equip Logistics Transformations (2014) By Gary Waters, John Blackburn


This publication would not have been possible without the support and assistance of several areas across the Department of Defence and a number of industry representatives. The senior Defence officials and industry leaders who participated in the Defence Logistics project provided exceptional insight and assistance. A large number of interviews and meetings and three major workshops were conducted in the second half of 2013; the Kokoda Foundation would like to thank all of those involved in these activities. The Project would not have been possible without the generous support of our sponsors – Accenture and RubiKon – who also provided sterling assistance in several briefings and discussions on key aspects of logistics and commercial supply chains. This report aims to highlight to the wider Defence community the challenges faced by Defence Logisticians and the lack of priority that Defence leaders have placed on Logistics systems in the past. Its fundamental contention is that Defence will need to place greater emphasis on the Defence Logistics function if it is to meet the challenges of a more complex and challenging operating environment in the future. Given the complexity of the Logistics challenge, the report can only provide a high level overview of Defence Logistics.


  • Soft Cover
  • 48 pages
  • In good condition

Kokoda Papers #19: Australian Defence Logistics: The Need.. (2014) By G. Waters

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