1133 Pope Innocent II crowns Lothar III Holy Roman Emperor at Rome
1362 Battle of Brignais: The Free Companions defeat the French
1509 Pisa surrenders to Florence, after a siege of nearly two years
1520 The "First Summit": The Field of the Cloth of Gold - Henry VIII of England meets with Francis I of France
1525 Battle of Ingolstadt: German Tauber rebels crushed
1543 Condottiero Fabiano de Monte attempts a coup against San Marino
1615 Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu captures Osaka after a six-month siege.
1647 English Puritan troops capture King Charles I
1745 Battle of Hohenfriedberg: Frederick the Great defeats Austrians & Saxons
1746 Battle of San Lorenzo: Austro-Sardinians defeat the French
1763 The Chippewa capture Fort Michilimackinac from the English
1783 The Montgolfier brothers launched the first unmanned hot-air balloon
1784 Dressed as the goddess Minerva, opera star Mme Élisabeth Thible/Tible becomes the first woman to go aloft in a balloon
1789 The Constitution of the United States goes into effect
1794 British troops captured Port-au-Prince, Haiti
1799 First Battle of Zurich, Day 1: Austrians v. French (ends 7th)
1829 Magazine explosion destroys steam frigate USS 'Demologos', Brooklyn Navy Yard, 30 die.
1831 Duke Leopold of Kendal proclaimed the first king of Belgium (1831-1865)
1854 Anti-Catholic Riot in Brooklyn: Radical Protestant preachers incite violence against Catholics, who retaliate, requiring the intervention of the 14th Militia
1859 Battle of Magenta: Franco-Sardinian forces under Napoleon III defeated the Austrians
1862 Confederates evacuate Ft Pillow, Tenn
1918 US & French halt the Germans at Chateau-Thierry
1918 New York City initiates 13 nights of blackout conditions due to rumors of an attack by aircraft launched from U-boats
1920 Peace of Trianon between Allies & Hungary
1924 Eternal light dedicated at Madison Square to commemorate New Yorkers killed in WW I
1927 Pres Coolidge reviews the US Fleet in the Chesapeake
1932 Carlos Davila stages a coup against Pres Juan Montero of Chile, initiating a short-lived República Socialista de Chile (Jun 4-Sep 13, 1932)
1934 USS 'Ranger' (CV-4) commissioned, first US purpose-built carrier
1940 "Miracle of Dunkirk" ends: over 300,000 troops evacuated, prompting Winston Churchill's "We shall fight them on the beaches . . . " speech
1942 Aleutians Campaign: Japaneseaircraftbomb Dutch Harbor
1942 Battle of Midway: Japanese lose four CVs, USS 'Yorktown' badly damaged
1944 Allied forces liberate Rome
1944 The USS 'Guadalcanal' (CVE-60) ASW Group takes 'U-505'; 1st USN capture of a foreign warship taken at sea since 1815
1944 Paddlewheel training carrier 'Wolverine' sets a record of 633aircraftlandings in one day, mostly "touch and goes"
1945 Okinawa: 6th Marine Division secures the Orokoe Peninsula
1954 France grants Vietnam independence within the French Union
1956 Khrushchev's speech blasting Stalin is made public
1960 Heavy Red Chinese artillery bombardment of Nationalist-held Quemoy Is.
1963 British Minister of War John Profumo resigns over an affair with Christine Keeler
1974 First Woman Army Aviator: Sally Murphy
1976 Puerto Rican nationalists detonate a bomb in the Cook County Courthouse, Chicago, sparking rioting in some areas1982Israel attacks targets in south Lebanon
1989 Chinese People's Liberation Army troops fire on and drive over democracy advocates in Tiananmen Square, Beijing; hundreds, possibly thousands die
1991 Non-communist government installed in Albania
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Modifié : 04 juin 2020
Today in Military History (4 June)
Today in Military History (4 June)
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