31 The Resurrection, according to Dionysius Exiguus
708 Consecration of Pope Constantine (708-715)
717 Forced abdication of Byzantine Emperor Theodosius III (715-717), to enter a monastery, and the accession of Emperor Leo III "the Isaurian" or "the Iconoclast" (717-741)
1296 Coronation of Federico of Aragon as King Federico III of Sicily (1295-1337)
1300 Sometime cavalryman Dante Alighieri took a walk.
1306 Robert the Bruce is crowned King of Scots (1306-1329)
1581 Portuguese Cortes names Philip II of Spain as King of Portugal
1655 Battle at Annapolis, Md: between Puritans & Royalists
1669 Eruption of Mt Etna, 20,000 die
1715 Accession of King Frederick Wilhelm I of Prussia (1713-1740), father to Frederick the Great
1799 First Battle of Stockach: Austrians defeat the French
1799 The French capture Florence
1807 British Parliament abolishes the Trans-Atlantic slave trade
1809 Battle of Medellin: The French defeat the Spanish
1813 USS 'Essex' takes 'Neryeda', first USN victory in the Pacific
1821 Metropolitan Germanos of Patras blesses a flag at the Monastery of Agia Lavra, initiating the Greek War for Independence from the Ottomans
1836 Texians win a small skirmish with Mexican troops at Rocky Creek
1864 Battle of Paducah, Ky (Bedford Forrest's raid)
1865 Battle of Fort Stedman, VA: Lee's last offensive
1898 Asst SecNav Theo. Roosevelt urges the Navy to support Samuel Langley's aviation experiments.
1905 Most battle flags captured during the Civil War are returned to the South
1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: 146 die
1915 First USN submarine disaster: USS 'F-4' sinks off Hawaii, 21 die
1937 Pact of Belgrade: Italy & Yugoslavia sign a non-aggression treaty
1945 US 4th Armored Division captures Hanau and Aschaffenburg
1945 US First Army breaks out of the Remagen bridgehead
1958 Elvis gets a G.I. haircut, courtesy of his Uncle Sam