1250BC First day of the Tyrean Era
202BC Battle of Zama: Scipio defeats Hannibal, effectively ending the Second Punic War
63BC Cicero learns of Catiline's Conspiracy
439 Genseric's Vandals take Carthage from the Romans
1448 Second Battle of Kosovo: Ottomans defeat the Hungarians
1453 French capture Bordeaux from the English: The Hundred Years' War ends
1466 Second Peace of Thorn: Teutonic Knights submit to Polish sovereignty and cede Pomerania
1469 Ferdinand II of Aragon (17) wed Isabella of Castile (18) at in Valladolid, leading to the unification Spain
1540 Battle of Mobile: de Soto's Spaniards defeat the Choctaw
1765 Stamp Act Congress meets
1781 Siege of Yorktown: The ceremonial surrender of Lord Cornwallis's British to George Washington's Franco-American forces, effective end of the Revolutionary War
1793 Maj Napoleone Buonaparte, 24, is promoted to general of brigade for his role in organizing the grand battery during the Siege of Toulon
1812 Napoleon begins his retreat from Moscow
1813 Battle of Leipzig, Day 4: Napoleon routed by the Austrians, Russians, & Prussians
1818 US & the Chicasaw sign a treaty
1861 Skirmish at Big Hurricane Creek, Mo
1863 Battle of Buckland Mills, Va
1864 Battle of Cedar Creek: Phil Sheridan defeats Jubal Early
1864 Battle of St. Albans, Vt.: Confederate raiders attack the town but are routed by local citizens
1879 William Tecumseh Sherman says "War is hell"
1888 Palestinian Arabs attack the Jewish settlement of Moshav Gederah
1912 Tripoli passes from Turkish to Italian control
1915 Russia and Italy declare war on Bulgaria
1915 USN establishes a submarine base at New London, Ct.
1921 Ticker tape parade on Broadway for Marshal Armando V. Diaz, who restored the Italian Army after Caporetto and led it to victory
1925 The War of the Dog: A stray dog initiates a ten day border incident between Greece & Bulgaria
1926 Russian Politburo expels Trotsky & his followers
1935 Red Chinese "Long March" ends (from Oct 21, 1934)
1950 UN forces enter Pyongyang, capital of North Korea
1951 Pres Truman formally ends state of war with Germany
1987 US warships destroy Iranian oil platforms in Persian Gulf
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Today in Military History (19 October)
Today in Military History (19 October)
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